Massachusetts Medical Society: MMS supports Sen. Warren’s, Rep. Kennedy’s mental health parity bill

MMS supports Sen. Warren’s, Rep. Kennedy’s mental health parity bill

“The Massachusetts Medical Society applauds legislation brought forth by Sen. Warren and Rep. Kennedy that will address gaps in transparency and in adherence to laws that afford patients the care and coverage they need and are guaranteed to address their mental health.  

Despite the existence of parity laws, there are still inexcusable inequities in coverage. As physicians, we recognize that mental health services are every bit as medically necessary and imperative as any medical need we treat each day.  Many of our patients with mental health concerns already face significant and dangerous obstacles of stigma and access.  The very last thing our patients need is a confusing authorization process and financial burden standing between them and mental health treatment that can improve and save their lives.

The 25,000 physician and medical student members of the Massachusetts Medical Society support this bill and we look forward to its impact in eliminating coverage gaps and inscrutable decision-making that threaten the mental health and the lives of our patients.”

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