Massachusetts Medical Society: Ex-Officio Delegates

Ex-Officio Delegates

Ex Officio Delegates include the following:

  1. District President from MMS District Medical Societies
  2. District Secretary from MMS District Medical Societies
  3. Each Trustee and Alternate appointed to the Board of Trustees
  4. Student Trustee and Alternate appointed to the Board of Trustees
  5. Past MMS Presidents
  6. MMS State Officers:
    1. MMS President
    2. MMS President-Elect
    3. MMS Vice President
    4. MMS Secretary-Treasurer
    5. MMS Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
    6. MMS Speaker of the House of Delegates
    7. MMS Vice-Speaker of the House of Delegates 
  7. MMS Alliance President
  8. Each Designated Medical Specialty Society may appoint a delegate to the MMS HOD
  9. The MMS Academic Physician Section may appoint a delegate to the MMS HOD
  10. The MMS International Medical Graduates Section may appoint a delegate to the MMS HOD
  11. The MMS Medical Student Section may appoint 8 delegates to the MMS HOD
  12. The MMS Resident and Fellow Section may appoint 8 delegates to the MMS HOD
  13. The MMS Organized Medical Staff Section may appoint a delegate to the MMS HOD
  14. Delegates-at-large Elected by the House of Delegates - typically Deans or representatives from Massachusetts Medical Schools
  15. Currently appointed committee chairs of all MMS standing committees


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