Massachusetts Medical Society: Membership Dues Information

Membership Dues Information

Massachusetts Medical Society Dues

Membership year is January to December. You may join any time. Dues are not prorated.

Regular Physician Member
Introductory Membership $200
Regular Membership 
2-Year Multiyear Discount 5%
3-Year Multiyear Discount 10%
5-Year Multiyear Discount 20%
10-Year Multiyear Discount 30%
Active Military
Membership Free
Intern, Resident, Fellow
3-Year $150*
1-Year $60*
Resident/Fellow Programs Free**
Medical Student
Membership Free

Alternative Options for Existing Members

Senior/Retired $100*
Community Health Center Physician $200**
Out-of-State $175
Emeritus Free***
Life Membership
Retain all the rights and privileges of a regular MMS membership; Honorific Membership status and a gold pin; Support for the MMS and Alliance Charitable Foundation.
  • 20% discount based on member category, years of membership and age

Save with our Group Enrollment options. Learn more

District Membership

The Massachusetts Medical Society consists of 20 district medical societies. For purposes of governance and member representation, membership in your district medical society is required when you join the MMS. Each District elects members as representatives to the MMS House of Delegates, Board of Trustees, and to several district-level MMS committees to help plan programs and inform priorities.

You can join either the district where you work or live. Please indicate your choice on your application. List of districts by city and town.

District Medical Society Dues

District Introductory Regular Family* Senior Physician Resident** Student***
Barnstable $50 $50 $50 None None None
Berkshire $100 $100 $100 None  None None
Bristol North $70 $70 $55 None None None
Bristol South $50 $50 $50 None None None
Charles River $75 $75 $75 None None None
Essex North $50 $50 $50 None None None
Essex South $110 $110 $110 None None None
Franklin $110 $110 $110 None None None
Hampden $100 $200 $165 None $25**** None
Hampshire $95 $95 $95 $50 None None
Middlesex $75 $75 $62.50 None None None
Middlesex Central $75 $75 $62.50 None None None
Middlesex North $125 $125 $100 None $25 None
Middlesex West $100 $100 $80 None None None
Norfolk $50 $50 $45 None $30 None
Norfolk South $85 $85 $65 None
None None
Plymouth $75 $75 $75 None None None
Suffolk $50 $50 $32.50 None $10 None
Worcester $100 $185 $140 $75 $30 $10
Worcester North $75 $75 $75 None  None None

American Medical Association Membership

Massachusetts physicians are also invited to join the American Medical Association (AMA) for an additional fee.  The benefits of AMA membership include opportunities to support AMA's policymaking efforts to reduce regulatory burdens and full access to The JAMA Network® and practice support tools and kits.

MMS sponsors free AMA memberships for residents/fellows and medical students who are MMS members.

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