Get Involved on a Reference Committee!
If you’re interested in serving on a future committee, please contact Reference committees are teams of seven delegates that review the online
testimony to help prepare recommendations to the House of Delegates.
Online Reference Committee Testimony Site (Typed Testimony or Video/Audio Upload)
The Online Reference Committee Testimony Site opens on April 24 immediately following the HOD First Session through April 29, 6:00 p.m.,
but static comments will remain for viewing. Members can testify online. Members can also propose an amendment to the Reference Committees (for the Reference Committees’ consideration) by typing it in the comment section.
“Cheat sheets” for how to use the site available here:
- Submitting Written Testimony
- Submitting Audio or Video Testimony
Virtual Reference Committee Hearings
We are pleased to offer virtual hearings for all three reference committees. Virtual hearings will be held Thursday evening, April 25, from 7:00–9:00 p.m. Register for the virtual hearings here at the online registration page.
Reference Committee Reports
Reference Committee reports are now available.
Extractions/Amendment Process and Forms
Advance Courtesy Deadline May 9:
Important: Your speakers request "courtesy" advance notice of extractions/amendments from delegates by Thursday, May 9, 7:00 p.m., via email to:
Your email subject line should read: Extraction HOD Second Session. Please indicate your last name, district, which reference committee (A, B, or C), and item # of extraction.
Amendments over three words must be submitted from delegates on an amendment form to: Fillable amendment forms in PDF or Word and instructions
are available here:
When you email an amendment form, in your email subject line, please state the following: “AMENDMENT Ref Com (A, B, or C)_Item #_your last name, district.
Again, your speakers appreciate amendments by the courtesy deadline in order to review and prepare for projection. However, extractions can be made at the meeting, too, and, amendments are accepted as the meeting proceeds.
Onsite at HOD Meeting:
Onsite, delegates may submit amendment (over three words) forms using the hard copy amendment forms available on tables in the HOD meeting. Delegates will bring amendment forms to the HOD staff table in the ballroom.