Dear Colleagues,
Your officers and I are excited to invite you to the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) Annual Meeting. Our Annual Meeting is a time to gather with friends – old and new – and network with colleagues. I cannot underscore enough the value of the comradery, the education, and the mentorship that the Society provides.
Our House of Delegates (HOD) will convene on April 24 and May 11 to further the work of the Society, creating important policies that support and impact the health care system to benefit the health of our patients, our physician community, and our Medical Society.
On the evening of Friday, May 10, I look forward to welcoming you to our annual member art exhibit, celebrating our MMS award recipients, and inaugurating our incoming president, Hugh Taylor, MD. I hope you can join the President’s Reception to celebrate with us.
I hope that you can join our education programs that take place in conjunction with our Annual Meeting. We have notable speakers scheduled for our Annual Education Program, the 134th Shattuck Lecture, and the MMS’ Ethics Forum. Please look for the dates, times, and details for these programs here.
The Society is fortunate to have dedicated staff, whose talents and expertise manage our online and in-person events seamlessly. I thank them, our faculty speakers, and you, our members. I encourage you to amplify our Society’s Annual Meeting and Annual Educational Program on social media using the hashtag #MMSAnnual2024.
Thank you for your collaboration and support.
Barbara S. Spivak, MD
President, Massachusetts Medical Society