Information and resources specifically developed for physicians who are employed by a hospital, clinic
or practice group.
This model contract is intended for physicians who are moving into an employment setting.
Medical Staffs
The MMS has developed model bylaws to help hospital medical staffs draft or revise their bylaws. The MMS model is based on Massachusetts and Massachusetts Medical Society policy and its principles for incident-based peer review.
Changes in the medical staff environment has resulted in challenges for the hospital medical staff that impact peer communication, physician-patient communication and the overall the quality of patient care. Understanding how the changing medical staff
environment impacts these areas is important to understand to provide quality care for his or her patients.
Massachusetts Physician Licensure Resources
Information about applying for a new license, license fees, licensing forms, and links to the state's online renewal site.
Visit the Board of Registration in Medicine website.
Massachusetts CME Requirements
Information on hours and type of CME and documentation required, reporting cycle, and other related requirements from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.