Massachusetts Medical Society: Governance and Leadership

Governance and Leadership

MMS Governance and leadershipFounded in 1781, the MMS is the oldest continuously operating medical society in the country. The MMS, with more than 25,000 physicians and student members, is dedicated to educating and advocating for the patients and physicians of Massachusetts. The Society, under the auspices of NEJM Group, publishes the New England Journal of Medicine, a leading global medical journal and web site, and NEJM Journal Watch alerts and publications covering 13 specialties. The Society is also a leader in continuing medical education for health care professionals throughout Massachusetts, conducting a variety of medical education programs for physicians and health care professionals.

The leadership of the MMS includes the MMS Officers, the Board of Trustees, the House of Delegates, various committees and taskforces, and 20 district medical societies within Massachusetts. The MMS also works with the American Medical Association, state chapters of national medical specialty societies, and other medical organizations to serve the needs of physicians across all specialties within the Commonwealth.

MMS Officers

The MMS leadership team supports the mission and guides the activities of the Society. MMS officers are elected by the House of Delegates. Most officers serve one-year terms. 

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Committees, Task Forces & Sections

Members of MMS committees, task forces and sections shape MMS policies, programs, and activities.

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House of Delegates

The HOD is the policymaking body of the MMS and is the responsible for setting long-range goals of the MMS and electing MMS officers and Massachusetts AMA delegates. MMS delegates serve an important communications, policy, and membership link between the MMS and grassroots physicians.

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Board of Trustees

The BOT serves as the Board of Directors and is responsible for prioritization, oversight, and implementation of policies and directives approved by the House of Delegates (HOD), the administrative management of the MMS, committee activities and continuance, and strategic planning for the Society.

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Districts & Regions

MMS members can join one of the 20 district medical societies based on where they live or practice. MMS districts serve as a way for MMS members to get involved at the local level. 

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Leadership Meetings & Deadlines

A listing of important leadership meetings and deadlines related to the Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates.

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MA Delegation to the AMA

A group of MMS members are elected to represent Massachusetts physicians, residents, and medical students at regional and national meetings of the American Medical Association. 

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Policies, Procedures & Bylaws

All active policies enacted by the MMS House of Delegates (HOD), the principal policymaking body of the Society, are contained in the MMS Policy Compendium. In addition to the Policy Compendium, the MMS Sunset Compendium, the MMS Procedures of the HOD, and the Bylaws are all available to MMS members.

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Awards Program

The Society is proud to sponsor a number of prestigious awards to highlight and recognize outstanding contributions to the health and well-being of patients in the Commonwealth, throughout the country, and around the world.

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