Massachusetts Medical Society: Massachusetts Medical Society on non-medical vaccine exemptions

Massachusetts Medical Society on non-medical vaccine exemptions

The Massachusetts Medical Society reaffirms its organizational policy in support of eliminating non-medical vaccine exemptions for all settings in which vaccines are required in Massachusetts, including in schools.

We have witnessed the pivotal role of other mitigation efforts, but safe and effective vaccines remain our most important tool in blunting the spread of serious and harmful transmissible disease and in reducing the interruption of daily life events, including educating children. By eliminating exemptions not necessitated by underlying medical conditions, we can increase vaccination uptake and reduce the probability that lives will be endangered by preventable disease.

As physicians, we encourage parents and guardians who are vaccine-hesitant to ask questions and raise concerns with us about vaccinating children, as we continue to take seriously our responsibility to share scientific evidence and data to address fears resulting from the dangerous spread of misinformation on social media and by other means.

-Barbara S. Spivak, MD, President, Massachusetts Medical Society

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