Massachusetts Medical Society: Massachusetts Medical Society on upward trend of virus data

Massachusetts Medical Society on upward trend of virus data

The Massachusetts Medical Society appreciates the cautious and data-guided approach to reopening, which has been thoughtfully considered and being carefully deployed by Gov. Baker and his administration.

The Massachusetts Medical Society has been watching intently key indicators related to COVID-19, including the state’s positive test rates and daily new cases. We have serious concerns regarding daily individual positive test results that have doubled since the summer to approximately 3 percent and a sharp increase in daily new cases, which has on several occasions in recent weeks surpassed 500.

As cool weather approaches, moving many activities indoors, every effort must be made to slow the spread of the virus and fend off a surge in cases that will bring with it the potential to overwhelm and deplete our state’s health care resources and imperil the ability to keep children in school.

It is imperative that these proven preventive measures – social distancing, universal mask wearing, and handwashing - be followed to protect each other and to ensure that future steps in the reopening process occur safely and without significant interruption.

We urge individuals to contact their health care provider immediately if they experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive.

-David A. Rosman, MD, MBA, President, Massachusetts Medical Society

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