Massachusetts Medical Society: Firearm Safety Screening Tools

Firearm Safety Screening Tools

Firearm Safety Screening Tools
  • Preventing Violence in Health Care Toolkit
    Offered from the American Academy of Family Physicians, a carefully curated collection of educational resources gleaned from various trusted sources that covers all members of the care team.
    A program for parents and adults encourages conversations on gun safety and responsibility.
  • CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means
    Information and resources from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center.
  • The ICAR2E tool
    Developed by the American College of Emergency Physicians, a bedside tool to assist emergency physicians to identify and risk stratify patients at risk of self-harm.
  • Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)
    Recommended by the USPSTF, available for use with veterans to identify possible depression with follow-up for positive screens.
  • SafERteens
    An evidence-based brief intervention to prevent youth violence, a routine emergency department clinical practice.
  • The SaFETy score
    A 4-question screen designed to predict future firearm balance.
  • Lethal Means Counseling
    Information and resources from Means Matter.
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